GIWL Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Work and Care

Author/editor: Glennie, M, Mikolajczak, G, Fisher, A
Published in (Monograph or Journal): Senate Select Committee on Work and Care
Year published: 2022
Issue no.: 50


We welcome the establishment of a Senate Select Committee to address the important issues at the intersection of work and care. Although there are many forms of care that impact the work and non-work wellbeing of carers, in our submission we focus on providing a gender lens to issues relevant to caring for dependent children. Specifically, we highlight current limitations and possible improvements to the three areas known to improve the work-life balance of working parents: parental leave provisions, affordable quality childcare and flexible work arrangements.

Updated:  5 October 2022/Responsible Officer:  Institute Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications