How Identity Impacts Bystander Responses to Workplace Mistreatment

Author/editor: Michelle Ryan, Tyler Okimoto, Jamie Gloor
Year published: 2023


How does identification—with an organization, with one's gender, and as a feminist—shapes bystanders’ interpretations and responses to incivility towards women at work?

This research finds that bystanders with stronger organizational identification are less likely to perceive incivility toward female colleagues as discrimination and intervene, but female bystanders with stronger gender identification are more likely to do so. These findings raise doubts that female bystanders are more sensitive to recognizing other women's mistreatment as discrimination, but more strongly identified feminists (male or female) were more likely to intervene. Although strongly organizationally identified bystanders were more likely to overlook women's mistreatment, they were also more likely to intervene once discrimination was apparent. Read the paper to learn more.

Updated:  29 September 2023/Responsible Officer:  Institute Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications