Review of the International Gender Equality Strategy

Author/editor: Elise Stephenson, Jack Hayes, Sarah Furman, Betty Barkha
Year published: 2023


The Global Institute for Women’s Leadership (GIWL) at the Australian National University is pleased to provide a submission for the review of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s International Gender Equality Strategy. 

For this submission we considered the key international gender priorities and the most effective approaches for achieving gender equality globally and came up with nine recommendations for the Department:

  1. Commit to longitudinal projects
  2. Take a localised approach to aid
  3. Focus on education
  4. Be targeted
  5. Adopt an ongoing learning approach
  6. Develop ongoing training
  7. Commit to gender parity abroad
  8. Fix systems, not women
  9. Take an intersectional approach

Learn more about each of these recommendations, and our key findings, by reading the submission below.

Updated:  28 September 2023/Responsible Officer:  Institute Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications